


下列影片中可以看到荷蘭的Orgelkids管風琴推廣機構發起人Lydia Vroegindeweij說明她當初的動機,以及進行這項計畫的經過情形。




加拿大皇家管風琴學院在全國各地共有八座Orgelkids小管風琴,目前正計畫於今年內在Fraser Valley再添一座,供當地學校使用,為管風琴教育不懈奮鬥!

Frank Ezinga: About the goal of the OrgelKids organ

When there are not enough health care practitioners, the government and industry creates incentives so that more people become interested. When new players don’t automatically come to the sports club, the sports clubs starts to ask people to join, some clubs have farm teams to ensure future players. In our church when there are more ministers needed, we hear prayers from the pulpit and perhaps notices in the bulletin.
When there are fewer people that learn to play an instrument, that also has an impact on organists. Some mainstream churches get their organists from universities and church music institutes. When they have a vacancy, they actively recruit a new organist/music director. But how do we get young people familiar and interested in the organ?
The global OrgelKids movement is working with Elementary Schools, High Schools and Universities to create awareness and share knowledge about pipe organs. Their short curriculum can be incorporated in the music or science education programs. This program has been adopted in the USA, Canada, Sweden, Belgium, the Netherlands, the UK, Taiwan, Korea, and China.
The founder of a Dutch promotional organization explains her motivations and how the program works the video below.
-In Taiwan, it works like this: https://youtu.be/7MLEGAzQzHA
-In the USA, one of the participant is asked for some comments: https://youtu.be/4INnsEfcgLQ
-In Holland this little organ demonstrates to be a worthy instrument: https://youtu.be/8vcwqpu5A8Y
The RCCO has eight organs available across Canada. Yet, it is in the planning to have another organ available in the Fraser Valley this year (privately, available to local schools).
