藝術總監 Art Director

她的演奏曲目除了獨奏和室內樂作品外還包括巴洛克、古典、浪漫樂派至現代時期的清唱劇,歌劇,神劇,彌撒,安魂曲及含數字低音編制的作品,她同時也是知名的數字低音演奏家。並時常為現代作曲家的作品做首演發表並受邀和不同的樂團,合唱團及室內樂團合作。她曾是巴洛克室內樂團 “Pandolfis Consort Wien“ 及長笛,低音管,鋼琴三重奏 „Trio Diventimento“ 的成員。
她經常受邀於歐洲或台灣不同的講座、夏令營或大師班擔任教授或伴奏的工作:2005年在奧地利賽默林市 (Semmering)“Internationale Sommerakademie Prag-Wien- Budapest” 大師班擔任管風琴伴奏,2006年台中市巴洛克音樂講座講師,2009年在奧地利波勞市古音樂營 “Tagen der alten Musik Pöllau (Steiermark, Austria)“ 擔任大鍵琴伴奏,2011年在比利時亨克市音樂學院為維也納國立音樂大學教授及交響樂團長笛手拉菲爾•雷歐內(Raphael Leone)舉辦的長笛大師班中„Querflöten- Workshop bei Prof. Raphael Leone“ in Genk (Belgien)擔任鋼琴伴奏, 自2012年起每年固定在奧地利著名室內樂音樂營“Allegro Vivo”擔任鋼琴伴奏,2015年起另在下奧地利州利林費爾德修道院夏令營大師班“Sommerakademie Lilienfeld”擔任管風琴及鋼琴指導講師。
Yi-Ting Wu
Organist, harpsichord player and pianist (from Vienna, Austria
She was born in Taipei City, graduated from the University of Music and Performing Arts in Vienna, studying organ performance and organ music education, piano and harpsichord music education. All degrees and graduation examinations received first prizes, and she received the highest diploma in Austrian organ performance and music education-and obtained a dual-art master’s degree with two professional music analysis master thesis; in 1999, she was awarded the highest music art achievement award by the Austrian Ministry of Education. She has done research in the Doctor studies of the Musicology Department at the University of Vienna.
After graduating, she stayed at University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna to teach. She teaches the Baroque Basso continuo performance in the keyboard instrument performance department, and served as a piano and harpsichord accompaniment teacher in the music education department. She used to be a resident pipe organist at the Haydn and Johann Nepomuk churches in Vienna, and currently works at the Klosterneuburg State Music School in Lower Austria. She teaches organ and piano, music theory and piano accompaniment and concurrently serves as a Music teacher in high school in Vienna.
In addition to solo and chamber music works, her repertoire also includes cantata, opera, oratorio, mass, requiem and works composed of Basso continuo from Baroque, classical, and romantic music to the modern period. She is also a well-known Basso continuo player. She often makes debuts for modern composers’ works and is invited to cooperate with different orchestras, choirs and chamber musicians. She was a member of the Baroque Chamber Orchestra “Pandolfis Consort Wien” and of the trio „Trio Diventimento“ with flute, bassoon and piano.
She is often invited to work as a professor or accompaniment in different lectures, summer camps or master classes in Europe or Taiwan: Organ accompaniment in the “Internationale Sommerakademie Prag-Wien-Budapest” master class in Semmering, Austria in 2005, Lecturer of Baroque music lectures in Taichung in Summer 2006. Harpsichord accompaniment “Tagen der alten Musik Poellau” at the Camp for Early music in Poellau, Austria in 2009, Piano accompaniment in the „Flute-Master class with Prof. Raphael Leone“ in the University of Music in Genk, Belgium in 2011. Every year since 2012 she has served as piano accompaniment at the music festival “Allegro Vivo”. Since 2015, she has served as organ and piano lecture in the master class “Sommerakademie Lilienfeld” at Lilienfeld Abbey Summer Camp in Lower Austria.
Her musical interpretation is based on very solid theories and musical styles. She is good at the analysis of motives and harmony in her works, and pays special attention to the original appearance of the style of the music era. Her attitude towards music research always considers the background of the composer`s era