行政團隊 Administrative Team

高嘉慧 行政總監




Eden Kao

Eden Kao graduated with a bachelor’s degree in Mass Communication from the Chinese Culture University. She has more than ten years’ experience in performing arts administration, including: contemporary puppetry, Chinese musicals, parent-child theater, musical performance, etc. Her strengths lie in project control, marketing and PR and cross-industry collaboration. Jia Hui has experience planning over 100 international gala dinners and medium and large-sized events. Her notable achievements include participating in the “2010 Taipei International Flora Exposition – Expo Dome”, leading a team of five to organize 11 press conferences, over 300 staged events and five campaign events, with media efficiency surpassing NTD 40 million.

合作夥伴 Partner

Laura Chan



陳靖心 (Laura Chan) 畢業於愛丁堡大學法律學系,在擔任企業培訓講師、企業課程研發以及客製化企業活動之專案經理已有十餘年之經驗。她也擅長翻譯,曾協助臺灣證券交易所及新北市政府等組織之翻譯工作,更曾於 2018 國際證券業協會年會中擔任口譯。

Laura Chan

Laura Chan graduated with a bachelor’s degree in Law with Honours from the University of Edinburgh. She has over ten years’ experience in corporate training and course development, and has served as project manager for customized events. Laura’s skillset also includes translation, having worked with organizations such as the Taiwan Stock Exchange and New Taipei City Government, and interpretation, with experiences including the 2018 International Council of Securities Associations Annual General Meeting.




柯可心,2012年畢業于廈門大學音樂系。2014年獲得英國伯明罕音樂學院(Birmingham Conservatoire)鋼琴伴奏碩士。2016年至今,在德國斯圖加特國立音樂與表演藝術大學,攻讀西方早期音樂,羽管鍵琴,和管風琴演奏。曾擔任廈門新街禮拜堂,廈門仁愛聖樂培訓中心的鍵盤教師,指導管風琴基礎彈奏與推廣課程。2019年開始,為Orgelkids Taiwan 粉專翻譯了諸多與管風琴相關的大師班,學術文章,和視頻,等。也撰寫關於歐洲不同類型管風琴的相關文章,豐富內容獲得專家與讀者的高度好評。

Kexin Ke

In 2012, Kexin Ke graduated from the music department of Xiamen University. In 2014, she received a master’s degree in Piano Accompaniment from the Birmingham Conservatoire in the UK. Since 2016, she has been studying Early Music, Harpsichord and Organ Performance at the State University of Music and the Performing Arts Stuttgart in Germany.

Kexin served as keyboard instructor at Xiamen Xinjie Christian Church and Xiamen Renai Music Academy, teaching foundational organ classes and promoting courses. Since 2019, she has translated many organ-related master classes, academic journals and videos, etc. for the Orgelkids Taiwan fanpage. She has also authored articles about different types of European organs, containing rich content, highly praised by experts and readers.