理事長 Chairman

蔡純慧 理事長


私立東海大學音樂系鋼琴組畢業,美國麻州大學鋼琴演奏碩士,美國Duquesne University管風琴演奏藝術文憑。師事美國管風琴家協會前總裁約翰沃克大師(Dr. John Walker)。在美期間先後擔任匹茲堡 Calvary Episcopal Church 與 First Presbyterian Church 的助理管風琴師;於畢業典禮中獲頒音樂系最高榮譽之 Jean Langlais Award for Excellence in Sacred Music獎項。1999年起隨同美國管風琴歷史協會(Organ Historical Society)與明尼蘇達廣播電臺Pipedreams製作群分別前往東德、瑞士、維也納、捷克、德國、西班牙, 英國, 法國, 波蘭等國家, 9次前往歐洲參觀學習管風琴歷史上的重要名琴。



社團法人臺灣兒童管風琴教育推廣協會Orgelkids Taiwan理事長


Chwen-Huei Tsai began studying piano at an early age with the well-known pianist Susan K. Chen. She received her B.A. from the Music Department of Tunghai University in Taiwan; her M.M. from the University of Massachusetts; and her Diploma of Organ Performance from Duquesne University in Pittsburgh having studied with the internationally renowned organist, John Walker. While studying in the United States, she was the Assistant Organist of the Calvary Episcopal Church and First Presbyterian Church in Pittsburgh from 2002 to 2003. Upon graduation at the end of 2003, she received the” Jean Langlais Award for Excellence in Sacred Music”, the highest honor awarded by the Music Department. Since 1999 she has visited nine European countries with the U.S. Organ Historical Society and Pipedreams to observe and study the famous organs in European history. Active as a professional organist and teacher, she was chair of the first Asia International Organ Competition inaugurated in 2017.

Currently, Ms. Tsai teaches at the National Taiwan University of Arts and is the Executive Director of Orgelkids Taiwan. Her utmost goal is to promote interests, knowledge, and skills of the pipe organ among the young generation through active engagements.
